Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Fab First Day Of School

Hi everybody! Are you so so glad I'm back?! Well, we are going to do something fun today! Do you want to know what it is? You do? Okay I will tell you, we are going to go to the first day of school! Does't that sound like fun! It does? Okay, well first we need to make sure that we have everything that we need.

1. pencil,check.
2. folder,check.
3. notebook,check.
4. crayons,check.
5. markers,check.

Well, all we have to do now is pack some lunch then we will be off to school, I am going to pack, some crackers and cheese and ham, to drink i am going to pack juice, and 5 rolo bars for dessert.  Here I go!

I am back from school let me tell you what we did.  We did math first, then spelling, then Bible, then science then reading time, then quiet time. O it was so much fun! You should have been there, Well, I have to go now its been fun, by!