Tuesday, February 22, 2011


(If you would like to read this story from the beginning, please go here!)

Cha. 2 bad news

The moving men were almost finished. Lindsey's dad said "need any help?" "No thank you sir," said the moving men. Lindsey  was hugging here friends good by, then their dad said "alright everyone in the truck!"

Lindsey found her brother in the corner, when the phone rang. "I'll get it" said Lindsey's mom. She listened then she said "oh no!" "Yes, I'll tell her, by!" Then she turned to Lindsey and said,"Sarah's dad got into a car wreck. But Sarah's dad and his wife and Mary Jones and Lily Jones did not get hurt. But Sarah Jones got herself really, really, really, hurt and she is going to have to stay in the hospital for a year or two, and we have to get there right away!"

(Chapter 3 can be found here)

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